Thats all.

I love you, I love you,
That's all I know
That's all I want to say
That's all that I feel,
Baby I understand
That's all isn't
That good enough anymore.

You want more,
You need more,
And baby I understand.
Not your fault,
Neither is it mine.

The divine play their games,
All the rules change,
And I lose you,
Oh my dame!

But it's alright.
It all good.
That's all isnt enough,
Neither for me,
Nor for you.
You follow your path,
I'll follow mine,
With a sweet cry.

With me or without me,
I implore the lords,
To allow you,
To meet your Happy end.
While I burn these bridges
And tear down the house
The requiem quite and silent, now.


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